Fanhams Hall Wedding Photographers
As frequent Fanhams Hall Wedding Photographers we always look forward to returning to one of Ware’s greatest assets. Inside it is a fantastic and tasteful mix of the old and the new. Glass and steel is imaginatively mixed with oak panelling and leaded windows. Outside, the grounds feel like they have been made for Hertfordshire wedding photographers! They are large, varied and beautiful come rain shine or snow. We should know having photographed them in all three! Thankfully not on the same day though. A typical English day and also a typically quirky time weather wise for Kristy and Alun’s wedding featured here, and also Laura and David and Jenny and Dan’s from this March 2014. A little bit of rain, gusty wind, cloud and then periods of brilliant sunshine. It’s all in days work for David and Joanna then….
Personally we love the fountains and iron gates, the Japanese gardens and bridges and the imposing backdrop of Fanhams itself which lends historical class to any wedding taking place there. Every time we return we find something new and fresh for photography there.
The building itself is eighteen century in origin and built in the famous Queen Anne style. It was the birth place and home of Lord Croft and has also been the residence for branches of the Brockett family. As Brockett Hall wedding photographers we would be hard pressed to choose which of the two would be our favourite. Either would be an excellent choice for a wedding day.
To see over 100 wedding images just click on the link here: GALLERIES OR just scroll through this blog, it’s full of images!
For convenience here’s a link to the great wedding venue itself: Fanhams Hall